Do you prefer salty or sweet?

I wish I could remember where I read this article, but the only line I remember is the doctor stating that all he had to do was ask if the patient preferred salty or sweet. Then he would know… Yeah, I don’t remember that part. I got hung up on the salty vs. sweet line and got no further.

If I had to answer at this moment, I’d have to say…yes. I like salty AND sweet. There are times when I crave sweets – cupcakes, dark chocolate…okay, anything sweet. But other times, I need a bag of chips or peanuts. But do I ALWAYS crave one over the other? No, not really.

I asked several of my co-workers about their preference and they all said, “Salty. No, sweet. No, salty….” They were still staring into space when I walked away.

So, what’s your preference? And what do you think the doctor was referring to? If you’re more likely to prefer salty or sweet items, what does it mean?

Of all the things that could roll around in my head causing great indecision and confusion, why this? Why not a deep question,  like how to discover a cure for cancer or bring peace to the world or end hunger? Good grief, see how even it always comes back to sweet and salty?

Please excuse me now…I need to go find lunch. And I’m getting some chips AND chocolate.